When you’re looking to swing by Laurel Self Storage, there’s something important for you to keep in mind: If you leave out the “North” in our address, 9735 Washington Blvd North, Google Maps will send you to a U-Haul about a mile south of our actual location. We have complained to Google about this, but they seem to think they are in the right. Maybe more people need to complain to them about it for them to pay attention. In any case, please remember to include the “North” when you’re typing in our address, or Google Maps may mislead you.
If it does send you to the U-Haul location, simply get back onto Washington Blvd North (i.e. Rt. 1) and drive till you pass Whiskey Bottom Road. Our self-storage facility will be on your right soon after. Note that we share our building with Parts Authority, whose sign you may see first.
Want to help your fellow self-storage hunters out? Tell Google they’ve got the location problem by clicking going to their feedback page and clicking “Suggest and edit” or “Report a data problem”.